CakePHP offers massive support to create SEO friendly URLs on the fly. You can create SEO-friendly-urls without an ID value to refer to specific post id. It works like a charm like many other Cake MAGIC!
I'll refer to the post table.
1. Create a field called 'slug' (must be UNIQUE and NOT NULL) in the post table.
2. Download and use sluggable behavior to create post slug! Follow instructions step-by-step. It works perfectly.
3. Define routing rules in config/router.php file to display SEO friendly urls.
'controller' => 'posts',
'action' => 'view'
'slug' => '[-a-z0-9]+',
'pass' => array('slug')
4. In posts_controller.php view() function modify query,
function view($slug = null)
if (empty($slug))
// redirect ...
$data = $this->Post->findBySlug($slug) ;
You you should be able to access urls of the form:
Hope it helps someone.
I'll refer to the post table.
1. Create a field called 'slug' (must be UNIQUE and NOT NULL) in the post table.
2. Download and use sluggable behavior to create post slug! Follow instructions step-by-step. It works perfectly.
3. Define routing rules in config/router.php file to display SEO friendly urls.
'controller' => 'posts',
'action' => 'view'
'slug' => '[-a-z0-9]+',
'pass' => array('slug')
4. In posts_controller.php view() function modify query,
function view($slug = null)
if (empty($slug))
// redirect ...
$data = $this->Post->findBySlug($slug) ;
You you should be able to access urls of the form:
Hope it helps someone.
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SEO urls in cakephp without ID is good for both users and SEO, use of variable to pass url is good for short code.
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