Tcl lexical structure
Computer languages, like human languages, have a lexical structure. A lexis of a Tcl language consists of basic elements and rules that apply to them. Words are basic elements in Tcl. Words can be either commands or command arguments. Substitution is one of the basic rules of the Tcl grammar.Commands
Tcl is a string-based, interpreted command language. A Tcl script consists of commands, which are separated by newlines or semicolons. Commands are the basic execution elements. A command is followed by one or more words which are its arguments. Each argument is separated by white space.A Tcl command has the following form :
command arg1 arg2 arg3 ...
The Tcl interpreter takes each word of the sentence and evaluates it. The first word is considered to be the command. Most Tcl commands are variadic. This means that they can process variable number of arguments. When a Tcl script is parsed the commands are evaluated. Each command interprets words in its own context.
puts "Tcl language"In the above code excerpt, we have a
command. This command prints a message to the console. The "Tcl language"
is a string, which is being printed. Unlike in other languages, strings must not be enclosed in double quotes. Unless there is a white space. #!/usr/bin/tclshIn the first case the commands are separated by the semicolon (;) character. In the second case they are separated by the newline character.
puts; puts
puts zetcode
puts androida
There are three kinds of substitutions in Tcl.- Command substitution
- Variable substitution
- Backslash substitution
% puts [expr 1+2]The
command is used to perform arithmetic calculations. First the command between the square brackets is evaluated and the result is returned to the puts
command. The puts
command then evaluates the result and prints it to the console. If a word contains a dollar sign ($), then Tcl performs variable substitution. The dollar-sign and the following characters are replaced in the word by the value of a variable.
#!/usr/bin/tclshWe create a variable called name and set a value to it.
set name Jane
puts name
puts $name
puts nameIn this case, we print a string "name" to the console.
puts $nameIn the second case, the argument is preceded by a $ character. The value of the name variable is printed to the console.
$ ./name.tclOutput of the example.
With the backslash substitution, we escape the original meaning of the character. For example, the \n stands for a new line. The \t is the tab character.
% puts "This is \t Sparta"Here the \t sequence is replaced with a tab.
This is Sparta
#!/usr/bin/tclshWe use the backslash substitution, if we want to have quotes inside quote characters. Also if we want to print the \ character, we must precede it with additional backslash. The \b is substituted with a backspace.
puts "This was a \"great\" experience"
puts "The \\ character is the backslash character"
puts "20000\b\b miles"
$ ./backslash.tclRunning the example.
This was a "great" experience
The \ character is the backslash character
200 miles
Comments are used by humans to clarify the source code. In Tcl comments start with the # character.# example of a puts commandAll characters after the # character are ignored by tclsh.
puts "Tcl language"
puts "Tcl language" ; # example of a puts commandInline comments are possible only if we use a semicolon.
White space
White space is used to separate words in Tcl source. It is also used to improve readability of the source code.set name JaneThe
command takes two parameters, which are separated by white space. set age 32We might use more spaces if we want to improve the clarity of the source code.
set name Robert
set occupation programmer
set vals { 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 }White space is used to separate items in Tcl lists. In C based languages, we would use the comma character.
puts $vals
A variable is an identifier, which holds a value. In programming we say, that we assign/set a value to a variable. Technically speaking, a variable is a reference to a computer memory, where the value is stored. Variable names are case sensitive. This means, that Name, name or NAME refer to three different variables.Variables in Tcl are created with the
command. To obtain the value of a variable, its name is preceded with a $ character. #!/usr/bin/tclshIn the above script we set three variables. The variable names are the same, they only differ in case. This practice is however not recommended.
set name Jane
set Name Julia
set NAME Erika
puts $name
puts $Name
puts $NAME
$ ./case.tclOutput.
Braces {} have special meaning in Tcl. Substitution of words is disabled inside braces.#!/usr/bin/tclshThis is a small script showing a usage of the braces in Tcl.
set name {Julia Novak}
puts $name
puts "Her name is $name"
puts {Her name is $name}
set name {Julia Novak}Braces can be used instead of double quotes to set strings separated by a white space.
puts "Her name is $name"Here the variable is substituted.
puts {Her name is $name}When using braces, the variable is not substituted. Everything is printed literally.
$ ./braces.tclOutput of the braces.tcl script.
Julia Novak
Her name is Julia Novak
Her name is $name
#!/usr/bin/tclshBraces are used to create lists. A list is a basic data type in Tcl.
set numbers { 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 }
puts $numbers
puts "Braces {} are reserved characters in Tcl"
puts {Braces {} are reserved characters in Tcl}
set numbers { 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 }Here a list of numbers is created.
puts "Braces {} are reserved characters in Tcl"Braces inside double quotes or inside other braces are taken as regular characters without special meaning.
puts {Braces {} are reserved characters in Tcl}
$ ./braces2.tclOutput of the braces2.tcl script.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Braces {} are reserved characters in Tcl
Braces {} are reserved characters in Tcl
Square brackets
Square brackets, [], are used to create nested commands. These nested commands are executed before the main command on the Tcl source line. They are used to pass the result of one command as an argument to another command.#!/usr/bin/tclshIn the above code example, we show some nested commands.
set cwd [pwd]
puts $cwd
puts [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%Y-%m-%d %T"]
set cwd [pwd]The
command returns the current working directory of the script. It is put between the square brackets, which makes it a nested command. First the pwd
command is executed and then the result of the command is set to the cwd variable. puts [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%Y-%m-%d %T"]Nested commands can be nested inside other nested commands. First the
clock seconds
is executed. It returns the current local time in seconds. The result is passed to the clock format
command, which formats the time in a readable form. Finally, the formatted time is returned to the puts
command, which prints it to the console. $ ./nested.tclOutput of the example.
2011-04-05 12:19:21
Double quotes group words as a single argument to commands. Dollar signs, square brackets and backslash are interpreted inside quotes.#!/usr/bin/tclshThis is a practical example of using quotes in Tcl.
set distro Ubuntu
puts "The Linux distribution name is $distro"
puts "The current working directory: [pwd]"
puts "2000000\b\b\b miles"
puts "The Linux distribution name is $distro"The variable distro is evaluated inside the quote characters. The $distro is replaced with "Ubuntu".
puts "The current working directory: [pwd]"Commands inside square brackets are interpreted too. Here we get the current working directory with the
command. puts "2000000\b\b\b miles"The \b escape sequence deletes a preceding character. In our case three zeros are deleted.
$ ./quotes.tclOutput of the quotes.tcl example.
The Linux distribution name is Ubuntu
The current working directory: /home/vronskij/programming/tcl/lexis
2000 miles
The backslash character can be used in three different ways in Tcl. It introduces some special characters, called escape sequences. These can be newlines, tabs, backspaces among others. It escapes the meaning of special Tcl characters ($, {}, "", \, ()). Finally, it can serve as a line continuation character.#!/usr/bin/tclshThe above script shows how the backslash character can be used in Tcl.
puts "0\t1"
set name Jane
puts \$name
puts \\$name
puts "He said: \"There are plenty of them\""
puts "There are currently many Linux\
distributions in the world"
puts "0\t1"The \t character has a special meaning in Tcl. It stands for a tab white space character. When we execute the script, 8 spaces are put inside 0 and 1.
puts \$nameWith the backslash, we escape the meaning of the dollar sign. In our case $name characters are printed to the console.
puts \\$nameThe backslash can be escaped too. Here the backslash character and the value of the name variable are printed to the console.
puts "He said: \"There are plenty of them\""We can form direct speech by escaping the meaning of the inner double quotes.
puts "There are currently many Linux\If the source line is too wide, we can continue on the next line using the backslash character. Effectively escaping the newline.
distributions in the world"
$ ./backslash.tclRunning the example.
0 1
He said: "There are plenty of them"
There are currently many Linux distributions in the world
Round brackets
Round brackets are used to indicate an array subscript or to change the precedence of operators for theexpr
command. #!/usr/bin/tclshThis is a simple example with round brackets in Tcl.
set names(1) Jane
set names(2) Robert
puts $names(1)
puts $names(2)
puts [expr (1+3)*5]
puts $names(1)We use the round brackets to access the value by a key which is specified inside round brackets.
puts [expr (1+3)*5]Here we change the precedence for operators. First 1 and 3 are added and then the result is multiplied by 5.
In this chapter we have described the lexis of the Tcl language.
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